July 1, 2011

Team Elite University – July Event

Team Elite University is a comprehensive leadership event designed to orient, train and motivate distributors, both old and new, on key aspects of the NSE business. By attending this 2 day event held each month, distributors will receive the following benefits:

  1. Tour the Nu Skin Enterprises World Headquarters Campus including the world renown NSE Research Center
  2. Meet and listen to Top Company Executives and Product Specialists.
  3. Receive hands on training and understanding as to what to do to develop their business.
  4. Understand the Big Picture to develop a successful organization.
  5. Meet top distributor leaders (Team Elites and $1, $5, $10 and $20 Million Circle Members.
  6. Learn in 2 days what would normally take several months of trial and error.

Event Details

Thursday, July 14, 2011

9:00 am – 4:30 pm: Nu Skin High Rise & Anti-Aging Research Tours – 75 West Center Street

9:00 am – 6:00 pm: Nu Skin Product Store – 104 West Center Street, Provo


Friday, July 15, 2011

8:00 am – 9:00 am: SPECIAL 120 Day Ruby Plan LIVE COACHING Session with Team Elite Eileen Williams (Wells Fargo Building – 2nd Floor, 92 N. University Ave, Provo, UT 84601)

8:00 am – 12:30 pm: Nu Skin High Rise & Anti-Aging Research Tours – 75 West Center Street

9:00 am –8:00 pm: Nu Skin Product Store – 104 West Center Street, Provo

1:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Team Elite University – UCCU Events Center Orem, Ut.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

9:00 am – 1:00 pm: Team Elite University – UCCU Events Center Orem, Ut.

9:00 am –4:00 pm: Nu Skin Product Store – 104 West Center Street, Provo


For any questions, please email us at support@oneteamglobal.com.

Ticket Pricing

Tickets are $15 per person. You can purchase 5 or more at $12 each.

Tickets will go up to $20 (5 or more $16) on the Monday before the event at MIDNIGHT . Ticket sales will end on each Wednesday before the event at Midnight.

On-Site registration will be $25.

Return Policy

All sales are final. No refunds are available. Ticket are good only for the month purchased.

If you have any questions please contact us at support@oneteamglobal.com

Register Here

June 27, 2011

The Top 5 Killers of Men

Cancer killed nearly 300,000 men in the United States last year, but it’s not No. 1 on the list.

It was a sunny September day in the Pacific Northwest, and Jeff Hale had just closed a $1.5 million deal. To celebrate, he was taking the afternoon off, relaxing on his patio lounge, and playing ball with his dog. That’s when he began feeling compression high in his chest, some pain in his left shoulder, and an unsettling sense of dread. At 44, he was in relatively good shape, although 15 pounds overweight and under a lot of stress from work. At first, he thought it was an asthma attack and took a hit off his inhaler. But when that didn’t help, he remembered an article he’d read in Men’s Health.

“There were two things from that article I recalled,” he recounted to our reporter a few years ago. “One was that every heart attack is unique. My symptoms will be different from your symptoms. The other was, if you suspect you’re having a heart attack, take an aspirin.” Hale took two and drove himself to the hospital. He almost didn’t make it. Doctors found blockages in three arteries and performed a triple bypass the next day. “They told me I’d saved my life,” says Hale. “The aspirin thinned my blood, and the inhaler dilated my arteries.”

Heart disease is the number one killer of men, claiming the lives of nearly 400,000 fathers, friends, brothers, and sons every year. Often, the difference between life and death is razor thin—remembering to pop an aspirin, not delaying your trip to the E.R.

This week is National Men’s Health Week, which was created by Congress in 1994 to raise the awareness of the health threats uniquely facing men. To commemorate, we’ve put together a list of the most popular ways to die as a man in America. Collectively, these diseases kill nearly one million of us annually. And, chances are, your lifestyle or genetic profile puts you at risk for at least one of them.

But, as Jeff Hale learned, our fates are not sealed. If you understand your risks, and learn how to negate them, you can outrun the reaper. Here’s how:

Why you’re at risk:
 Each year, nearly 50,000 American men die of a stroke, according to the American Heart Association. I know what you’re thinking: But those are really old men. But you’re wrong. In fact, 1 in 14 stroke victims is younger than 45. As a neurologist I interviewed a few years ago told me: “If you did MRI scans on a hundred 40-year-olds, you’d see that a large number have already had a silent stroke.” And that’s scary because small, silent strokes often precede large, debilitating strokes.

What you can do about it: Keep your blood pressure at 120/80 or lower. Every 20-point increase in systolic BP (the top number) or every 10-point rise in diastolic BPdoubles your risk of dying of a stroke, says Walter Kernan, M.D., an associate professor of medicine at Yale University. The good news: Simple lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce your risk. Assess your stroke risk right here, and learn how to turn the odds in your favor.

Why you’re at risk: Nearly 60,000 men died from COPD—which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema—in 2006, according to the CDC. The chief cause: the Marlboro Man. In fact, smoking causes 80 percent of COPD deaths. Considering that tobacco use has also been directly linked to the other man killers on our Top 5 list—notably, heart disease (#1) and cancer (#2)—you have to ask: Why are people still smoking?

What you can do about it: It’s pretty simple, really. You need to figure out how to kick butts for good. Improve your odds by joining a gym—smokers who are trying to quit often fall off the wagon during stressful moments. Regular exercise lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the brain. Warning: Going cold turkey is one of the least successful ways of quitting. Find out how to tilt the odds of success in your favor by checking out Will You Be Able to Quit Smoking?

Why you’re at risk: 
According to the CDC, 80,000 men die each year in unexpected tragedies, from sports injuries to fires to falls. But the most preventable accidental deaths are the 30,000 that occur on America’s roads every year.

What’s that? You’re a great driver? Not surprising that you think so. According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 72 percent of drivers regard themselves as more skilled than everyone else. Researchers trace the bias to a fundamental information imbalance, namely that the poorest performers are also the least able to recognize skill (or lack of skill) in themselves or others.

But fine, let’s say it’s true. Then consider the guys you’re sharing the road with: Surveys indicate there’s a nearly 80 percent chance they speed regularly, and a 53 percent likelihood they talk on the phone while driving. There’s a 4 percent chance they run red lights—on purpose—and a 2 percent chance they have driven after drinking too much. These guys make Evel Knievel look like a defensive driver.

What you can do about it: If you do one thing today, make it this: Stop texting while driving. You’ve probably heard that texting behind the wheel is just as dangerous as drinking and driving. Not true. Texting is way more dangerous. In fact, texting increases your risk of a crash by 23 times (versus 11 times for driving under the influence), according to a Virginia Tech study. Step into the MH Driving Simulatorand test how well you multitask behind the wheel. 

Why you’re at risk: 
The Big C killed nearly 300,000 men in 2010, according to the American Cancer Society. Lung cancer tops the list, accounting for 29 percent of all cancer deaths, followed by prostate cancer (11 percent) and colon/rectum cancer (9 percent). We all know that smoking causes lung cancer, but the risk factors for prostate cancer are less well known. Yet, it’s one of the most common—1 in 6 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetimes—and least understood killers of men.

What you can do about it: Take our quiz to determine your risk. If you’re at high risk, put certain staples of the Mediterranean diet on your plate. A study published in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute shows that men who eat more than 10 grams of garlic or scallions (about three cloves of garlic or 2 tablespoons of scallions) daily have a 50 percent lower risk of prostate cancer than those who eat less than 2 grams. Sound like too much of a good thing? Other studies have linked the lycopene in cooked tomato products to lower prostate cancer risk; aim for at least two servings a week. And if you really like coffee . . . Harvard researchers found that drinking 6 cups a day reduces your risk of developing advanced prostate cancer by 59 percent.

Why you’re at risk: 
This is the deadliest disease known to man. More than 1 in 3 adult men have some sort of heart disease and more than 390,000 men died of the killer in 2007, according to the American Heart Association.

But you’re a fit, healthy guy, right? Why would you die of heart disease? Believe it or not, not every victim of the disease is overweight or inactive. Men’s Health Editor Peter Moore discovered this eight years ago. He was doing everything right: He was thin, exercised regularly, and ate a healthy diet. But none of that prevented one of the arteries in his heart from becoming 99 percent blocked. Still think you’re risk-free? You can find out your heart disease risk by clicking right here.

What you can do about it: Small lifestyle changes can yield big results when it comes to improving heart health. Here are four simple changes you can make today:

• Exercise for 30 minutes. Middle-aged men who exercise vigorously for two hours a week (aim for 30 minutes, four times a week) have a 60 percent lower risk of a heart attack than inactive men.

• Lose the spare tire. If you’re overweight, dropping 10 to 20 pounds lowers your risk of dying from a heart attack. In fact, a 10-year study found that overweight people had heart attacks 8.2 years earlier than normal-weight victims.

• Drink five glasses of water a day. Men who drink that many 8-ounce glasses are 54 percent less likely to have a fatal heart attack than those who drink two glasses or fewer. Researchers say the water dilutes the blood, making it less likely to clot.

• Count to 10. Keeping your cool under stress may keep you alive. Men who respond with anger are three times more likely to have heart disease and five times more likely to have a heart attack before turning 55.

by Bill Phillips and the Editors of Men’s Health

June 17, 2011

From Team Elite University (TEU) this weekend in Utah

June 17, 2011

Make your skin bounce back the way it did in your 20’s!

As we age, we lose skin firmness. TruFace Essence Ultra restores the firmness in your skin by increasing your elastin content back to the way it was when you were in your 20’s!

June 17, 2011

How can the Skin look younger?

“There is no doubt that in order to retain a youthful appearance, genes must regain their youthful activity patterns.  By analyzing human tissue at the genetic level, we’ve learned the crucial role of gene expression in retaining one’s youth.” – Dr. Joseph Chang, Chief Scientific Officer, Nu Skin EVP Product Development.

The Sources of Aging

Nu Skin is taking the science of anti-aging to a completely new level by studying the genetic origins of how and why we age. Developed by Nu Skin in collaboration with leading scientists, ageLOC science is based on the discovery of internal sources of aging that contribute to an aging appearance, what Nu Skin calls age-related super markers, or arSuperMarkers. Nu Skin’s exclusive ageLOC science targets these arSuperMarkers—the ultimate sources of aging that can influence how we age.

Based on this discovery, Nu Skin is able to identify critical arSuperMarkers called Youth Gene Clusters, which are functional groups of genes that regulate how we appear to age. Only ageLOC’s proprietary science understands how to reset these Youth Gene Clusters to their youthful patterns of activity. This revolutionary discovery is based upon Nu Skin’s exclusive collaborations with leading scientists around the globe, millions of dollars in development, and years of combined anti-aging and genetic research.

Heatmap using DNA microarray data illustrating the differences in gene expression activity with each line representing a single gene.  Examples of genes identified as Youth Gene Clusters.

Identifying the Source

The scientific community has access to the Human Genome, but Nu Skin’s breakthrough ageLOC science gives us the ability to interpret it in a meaningful way. In a recent scientific discovery, Nu Skin, in collaboration with anti-aging and genetics experts, has identified key groups or functional clusters of genes—Youth Gene Clusters—that help influence how we age. Nu Skin believes that finding and identifying these functional groups of genes is the key to addressing aging at the source.

Clinical study results, genomic analyses, and substantiated research from ageLOC science has led Nu Skin scientists to identify specific functional Youth Gene Clusters that are responsible for youthful skin attributes. The expression of these genes is responsible for the signs of aging on our skin. Through ageLOC science, Nu Skin has the ability to reset these genes to behave more youthfully, helping to restore a more youthful balance in the skin.

Resetting the Balance

Once we identify these Youth Gene Clusters, it’s important to reset them to reflect a more youthful skin profile. Resetting Youth Gene Clusters is a subtle balancing process—it’s not as simple as turning them on and off. Some genes within the cluster may need to be turned up while others may need to be turned down. Nu Skin’s proprietary ageLOC science resets Youth Gene Clusters to create a youthful balance within each cluster—returning them to their youthful patterns of activity.

June 14, 2011

Bonus Pool Match

Go Double is not just a catch-phrase, it is THE GOAL! We are going double and this month we are showing our commitment. Global Convention 2011 is around the corner and we want to recognize you as a new pin title in front of thousands of your peers in October. Plus, we want to help you come to this once-in-a-lifetime event.

This month only, we are going to MATCH your qualifying Mega Performance Bonus Pool payout.  That’s right, a100% match.  How’s that for Go Double!

This is the perfect time, with an amazing business opportunity, and a rewarding incentive to build your business.
For Mega Performance Bonus Pool details, click here.

June 12, 2011

Eating Too Much Fruit Can Be Bad For Your Health

Many of us have come to believe that eating healthier means eating lots of fruits and vegetables. While fruits and vegetables are much better for you than refined foods like cookies and chips, my experiences and research have led me to believe that too much fruit can be harmful to your health.

A lot of the fruit that is grown today is much higher in sugar than they would be in a natural environment. Have you ever tasted a wild blueberry? How about a wild apple? On their own, they are delicious, but you may be surprised to discover that they aren’t nearly as sweet as modern day varieties. Over thousands of years, humans have been able to make fruits larger and sweeter than their wild predecessors through hybridization.

But sugar from fruit is natural, so you should be able to eat as much as you want, right? This question is best asked of fruitarians – people who eat nothing but raw fruits. It is not uncommon for a strict fruitarian to eat five bananas and five dates for breakfast, one large canteloupe for lunch, and five large peaches for dinner.

Some fruitarians take a more balanced approach and eat lots of less sweet, seed-bearing fruits like tomatoes and zuchinni. They also eat plenty of greens like romaine lettuce.

Regardless of which approach is taken, I have not met a single strict fruitarian of more than two years who didn’t have significant health challenges. The most common challenges are dental decay, osteoporosis, wasting of muscle tissue, inability to maintain a healthy weight, chronic fatigue, skin problems, thinning hair, weakening nails, and excessive irritability.

Some of these problems are the result of nutritional deficiencies. The most common deficiencies that I know of in this population are vitamins B12, A*, D, zinc, and certain essential fatty acids.

Another problem with a high fruit diet is that it can lead to problems involving the hormones that regulate your blood sugar; insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone. A chronic imbalance of these hormones is a sure way to develop cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The encouraging news is that when you eat fruits in moderation, they can contribute to excellent overall health and fitness. Here is a list of some of my favorite, healthy fruits:

1. Berries – Be sure that they are wild or organic, as commercially grown berries are heavily coated with pesticides. Berries tend to put less stress on your blood sugar – regulating mechanisms than other fruits, and provide loads of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which protect you against disease. Frozen wild blueberries are available year-round in almost any grocery store.

2. Avocado – An excellent source of raw fat, which is essential for healing and maintenance of health. Avocados are also an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The fatty acids found in avocados provide excellent fuel for energy. A good avocado has a rich, creamy texture and a rich green color towards the outer part of its flesh.

3. Figs – If you haven’t tried a fresh black or green fig, you are missing out on one of the most minerally dense fruits there is. Fresh figs are superior to dried figs, as the drying process creates an unhealthy concentration of the natural sugars in figs. If you are going to eat dried figs, strive to eat only a few per day. Figs are particularly high in potassium, calcium, and iron.

4. Pomegranates – If you could choose only one fruit to get into your blood and provide super protection against free radical damage and chronic disease, pomegranates would be a great choice. By weight, they have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants among all fruits.

5. Apples – Like all of the fruits listed above, apples are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. From a practical viewpoint, apples are one of the most affordable healthy fruits to eat on a regular basis.

If you want to eat super sweet fruits like bananas, grapes, and ripe persimmons, you may want to eat them with some dark green lettuce, celery sticks, and avocado, as the mineral density in these green foods will help to dampen the unhealthy effect that super sweet fruits have on your insulin levels.

I recommend staying away from fruit juices most of the time, as their concentrated sugars contribute to health problems related to too much insulin production.

* While it is true that vitamin A can be made from beta carotene, which is found in lots of fruits and vegetables, many people are unable to make enough vitamin A for their daily needs from beta carotene alone. Effective conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A depends on a number of factors, like a healthy gall bladder, sufficient dietary fat, and a healthy thyroid gland. Sufficient intake and absorption of vitamin A is essential to a number of processes, including building and maintaining healthy mucosal linings throughout your body, enhancing your immune system, and supporting your vision.

June 12, 2011

Relationship before opportunity

Why people don’t join you, don’t buy from you, and don’t care about you?

Dan Rockwell, in his blog, provides some food for thought, about what we should do first:
4 counter-intuitive leadership principles:

1. Talk to them about them.
2. Gain power by empowering.
3. Join their team before they join your team.
4. Talk less, listen more, and others will listen to you.

Principle #3 is so fresh and eye-opening. Wow!

You can read more here, it’s short.

Have a great day with your relationships.

June 10, 2011

Join us on Facebook

EXPinternational is now on facebook. Join our group there and connect with your friends.

June 9, 2011

Startup in Stockton

Team building activities in Stockton tonight. Jennifer explained product catalog to 15 new team members.

Sponsoring new distributors


Ground floor opportunity